Sometimes everyone needs to take a break from the game, for any reason, and this is to make sure we know you're on hiatus, and to keep track it, so we don't accidentally mess with your position in the game.
If the status of your hiatus changes (ie, from a semi to full or vice versa, duration needs to be extended or shortened), please leave a reply to your comment with the edits, or if you can, edit and update your comment.
HIATUSName:LJ:Characters: [The ones affected by this hiatus]
Duration of Hiatus: [With dates too, if you can]
Notes: [Semi or Full hiatus, anything else you want to add.]
To make it easier to process, please do the following:
★ Exit your membership to
happyhauntings →
Mainhaunting_logs →
Logshaunting_ooc →
OOC ★ "Delete" your character from
Taken Characters by leaving a comment saying you're dropping that character.
★ Please post the following:
DROPPINGCharacter Name:Character's Series: