thanksgiving was good

Nov 28, 2004 14:09

thanksgiving break is comming to an end.the food was good. the bowl was good the tongues doing good. as for friends everyone is seeming really really gay latly. like they all do stupid ass shit all the time. all anyone ever wants to do is smoke and drink. i should talk really becuase i do taht too but i do other shit too. i dont jus look forward to every weekend jsut to get fuked up. especially sicne you jus like a month ago said how lame it was how everyone jus gets fuekd up all the time and how ur not anything liek taht and you are all chilled out now and not into getting fuekd up. wuever ha. and then other kids go around and then other girls go around hoooking up wiht lots of guys.... then they dont get it when one guy wil be pist off at anohter one... like wuts wrong with you ha dont be so naive. this will proly piss you all off and tahts stragiht but i thik you are all being fuking stuipd naive people. but anyways ya break was good! it snowed so i was sooo happy. we got to snowboard on wensday it was soo fun. i snowboarded every day until it fuking rained. god dam rain. but ya pine knob didnt open wich was a bummer :( its ok i though i will be patient. so now im jus sitting here talking to lots of kids who arnt really talking back haha.
il proly update again in a while. leave ur comments even if they are mean comments becaseu i stil kinda care wut you thikn. kinda
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