Nov 08, 2004 16:25
wow i dunno where to start. today might have been the worst day in a while. it started out fine. actually the day was real straight until last hour. i was fuking stupid and decided to ask a question fergetting that im talking like a retard. mrs masin was like "wuts in ur mouth" so i was like fuk thers nothing i can do so i showed her and i was jus like ya il take it out. she was liek "o thats not aloud bla bla" so i migt get fuked fer tah. but wuever iwent to hot topic and bought retainers. k but thats not wut im realy fukin pist about. som kid at my school named jared fuking broke one of my tail lights. i gues last week somone ran into his car or some shit. he assumed that it musta been me since i had a big like dent in the front of my shit wiht black paint on it. so ya he decided to be a little fuking pussy and tell the vice principal on me instead of jus confronting me about it. i gues he decided to get even??? if i fidn out it was him i swear i will fuking destroy his car. like we dont have the money to pay for stpuid ass bullsht like a new tail light. im jus so pist right now. like if i had hit his car it might be a litle bit understand able but since i dindt i am very very mad. say bye bye to ur spinners and nice tented windows...