Jan 23, 2005 21:48

ok.. so this is wut happened on my weekend!! it wuz alot of fun... well umm.. not ALL of it.. lol

FRiDAY -- i went to first block nd then we went to Honor Chorus practice at Golden Gate.. omq! there were soo many hott quys there!! ahhh! it wuz a lot of fun .. nd then lunch frum jason's deli wuz like the best part of the day! haha.. nd then i qot home at like 5.. then hadda chanqe real quick to serve//clean up for this dinner they were havinq at my church! lemme tell ya sumthinq: OLD PEOPLE CAN'T DANCE FOR SHiT! haha.. i noe that wuz mean.. oops! but they were so funny! that wuz soo much fun! we were like eatinq while we weren't workinq nd my dad wuz like "come on quys.. WORK" haha.. we were like "but our food is still diqestinq" omq.. fun nite! so then beinq crazy that i am.. wen i qot home at like 9:30ish.. i went runninq! haha.. cuz i had a lot on my mind.. nd i DRAGGED my qranny alonq wit me too.. nd i told her EVERYTHiNG so i cud feel better.. nd it worked! lol.. but only for that short period of time.. then i watched half of napoleon dynamite cuz i slept in the middle of it!! lol

OHH YEA -- ND i MiSSED DAViD LiKE NO OTHER!! haha -- he said enqlish wuz a lot of fun! why the only day i'm not there enqlish has to be fun? huh? lol.. he qot crowned kinq of the dark ppl or sumthinq.. i CANT BELiEVE i MiSSED iT!!

SATURDAY -- hadda wake up at 10!! i noe it doesn't sound late but for a weekend for me it is! lol. then i went to all county honor choir for practice nd our concert was at 1! we rocked sooo much.. like it wuz unbelievable, we sounded so mature nd everythinq. haha.. my qranny wuz like SHOCKED! lol.. nd then my mom dropped me off at walmart where i met troy, janet, and sarah, nd it wuz the FUNNiEST THiNG EVER! haha.. it took me 20 mins to find them (after walkinq around the WHOLE store 5 times!!)nd then we qot the materials for a solar cooker nd troy bouqht like 5 packaqes of mints nd qum! OMG! nd troy wuz like lookinq at a pic of Ashlee Simpson nd wuz like "her boobs are too far apart" wen we were payinq for our thinqs.. nd the cashier heard it! nd i wuz like "umm.. excuse him" haha! it wuz qreat. then we hadda cross the street to qo to maqqie moo's for ice cream.. it wuz DANGEROUS! haha no.. but troy wuz like pushinq us nd like runninq wen there were cars all over the place!! lol.. nd then wen we finally qot there (which wuz a miracle -- haha) troy pulled out monica's thonq while he wuz payinq for his ice cream! wow.. we had a little too much fun! lol. then we went to my dad's place for dinner.. nd then bowlinq which started off cool but then wuz like HORRiBLE (maybe it wuz cuz sara wuzn't there -- lol)! me nd mackenzie were like cryinq! nd yea.. it wuznt that fun.. so i called my dad nd so he nd cuzin came to pick me nd jamie up nd he sent us to SiLVER SPOON CAFE! :D haha at 10 at nite! CRAZiNESS! lol. i told my dad to qet two seperate tables cuz me nd jamie needed to talk! nd yea.. she helped me feel better nd everythinq so it wuz cool. we also played "the judqinq qame" haha... a qame that i invented! oh yea! nd i also qot jamie to eat a lot! haha.. my dad is like "EAT JAMiE EAT" my dad is soo funny! haha.. we qot the bbq chicken pizza nd the peanut butter ice cream to top it off!! then on the way bac home we didn't feel qood AT ALL! haha.. so it wuz like a qreat day! :D (sum of it) lol

SUNDAY -- went to church.. stayed after for dance practice.. OMG we ate cupcakes like 20 mins before our practice wuz over! nd we were SOOO EFFiNG HYPER! the teacher wuz like "calm down" we were like jumpinq ALL over the place nd on the floor crackinq up! well actually that wuz only me! haha.. lol.. no but it wuz CRAZY! nd soo much fun.. then i qot home nd i went online nd pretty much that's all i did the rest of the day.. well we also went out to eat dinner at macaroni&qrill.. i LOVE that place.. the bread is like addictinq! haha.. nd also my cuzins came over nd uncle nd aunt nd my parents told them teh news: MY MOM iS PREGNANT!! YEA YUH!! they were all shocked nd soo happy nd everywun wuz cryinq it wuz qreat.. lol

so yea this weekend wuz pretty much AWSUM! so comment (make it more awsum)
luv ya xO*
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