Been a while!

Sep 26, 2009 14:34


What a bunch of fucking morons.

God forbid you fucking post your opinion on something, lest you unleash close-minded snark and rage.

Apparently WFRP 3e is a hot button these days. Simply mentioning that is feels to much like a board game from what I've seen resulted in more condescending negativity than I could handle.

Is this the kind of behavior that really colors the bulk of gamers out there? I have no idea.

Anyways, to other matters!

My texts are starting to arrive for my classes. Helena Blavatsky, Rudolph Steiner, The Rosicrucians, The Way of Hermes, and Modern Esoteric Spirituality have already landed on my doorstep along with my Student ID.

I'm up for a raise and a title at my job, which doesn't hurt at all, and my b-day is fast approaching, which is no big deal... but the presents. Oh, yes, the presents.

This year I've asked for nothing but money. I'm going to use it to go on what will likely be my last RPG spree for two years as I embark on my studies. Colin Chapman's Atomic Highway and Crafty Games' Fantasy Craft are the core rules I'm eyeing, and supplements for Brutal Games' Corporation, Magnum Opus Press' Dragon Warriors, and Wicked World's Noctum are also on the list.

Thanks to greyorm for checking up on me, it's been too long and I've missed checking up you all. I've been alternately too busy and lazy as hell to properly post here.
I noticed that I missed a few birthdays, so happy b-day to
cappadocius, jdurall , and
I'm sorry I couldn't say that in a more timely fashion!

I'll try to post more regularly from now on!

random update, rpg's, master's degree

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