May 12, 2011 15:28

[When the microphone activates, Balthier sounds polite and composed.]

Clever device. I've yet to pin point exactly how it operates, though. But sadly, now isn't the time to admire my new gifts. [His wings adjust awkwardly behind him, as reminding himself of their presence has disrupted his ability to ignore the discomfort. At least they'll encourage good posture until he finds a way to lean back in a chair without pinching the tips of his new limbs.]

I believe I've managed to misplace my companions. Or should I say that they've misplaced me? Seems that would be the more honest statement, considering that I'm the one stranded. It's not very befitting, in my opinion.

[He sighs.] Although I imagine my opinion matters very little here. I've gathered that kidnapping is a bit of a theme. Still, I'd be deeply obliged if anyone could help me orient myself. Last I knew, my surroundings were significantly more arid.

[It had been a blessing that his clothes weren't far from where he had woken up, although that had been puzzling to say the least. Someone had presumably kidnapped him, undressed him, and then added wings. They had at least been courteous enough to modify his shirt and vest to accomodate the changes that had been made, though.

Another stroke of questionable luck comes in the form of a small town within walking distance. The wings, Balthier realizes, are not unique to him. Blasted things. For the time being, he avoids moving them too much, as he finds that anything other than keeping them folded tightly against his back comes off as rather uncoordinated. For such small additions, they're rather ungainly.

Staring is tempting, but will clearly label him as someone far out of his element. It seems wiser to reveal himself as a "new feather" through the journal that he's been idly flipping through. So far, he sees no towering, statuesque women with rabbit ears wandering about, and although he knows she doesn't require his protection, her absence doesn't sit well.

He glances up as someone passes the bench he's seated on. A quick smile and a raise of his hand should get their attention.]

Excuse me.

ic, introduction

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