just when i thought things couldn't get any worse for me this year.god/karma/buddha/satan whoever strikes me another cruel blow.
my xbox 360 has died on me.aaaaaaargh!!! today i got my plastic fake drum kit for rock band in the post and now my 360 has decided to commit suicide.i am soooo fucked off.i'm gonna have to send it away to get repaired.so,fuck knows when i'll get it back.
after all my shit with women and life in general i thought computer gaming was the one thing i could rely on.but,ooooooooooh no.i can't even treat an xbox 360 right.big bloody bollocks!
it's only been a few hours now and i'm already getting proper frustrated.what did i used to do when i was a lil kid before i had computer games? guess i'll have to use my imagination and go out and play army or sumin.
being a manly man i havn't cried in about 10 years,but this could actually make me cry. *quiver of bottom lip*
i guess in reality i can use this time to get drawing and start guff2.it'll be a zombie special.i think it'll be fun and good and maybe sexy.which reminds me 'dead set' was good wasn't it?
here's a lil pic i did for tia.the girl i took on a date to the zoo (quite possibly the best date she'll ever go on) and then she freaked and ran a mile.i havn't really heard from her since and i'm not sure whether i should've framed and sent it to her,but i have.i know i'm too nice and that's why chicks don't like me.
but i can't be arsed worrying about it anymore.comics is my only obssession again.yay!!!!!
peace out mofo's
OH GOD!!! i wanna play my fake plastic drums!!! why?! why?! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh boooohooooo!!! booooohoooooo!!!