Dec 03, 2004 23:30
how do you write a letter to everyone? Who do i address it to?
Dear JOurnal Readers,
As you know this is the first edition of this journal entry. If you are a previous reader, you are also a liar.
Essentially everything is goin strong right now, i got my head on my shoulders and thats where it needs to be. Love life... ehhhhh not so much, most girls come and go but who needs that when you have good friends that wont leave. Everyone I know at my school is awesome and im sure that people i dont are too, i just dont know untill i meet them. I plan on running for president (senior that is) next year, and i'd like for you to vote for me, I think I could really change things for the better around Eastern, not that things arent great...
To everyone that is awesome i thank you.
Today was essentially the best day of my life, but everyday is so I cant go by that, we did a project at gatti land where i got cheap shotted (is it a word?) in the nuts twice by my fav. chicago import Luma. Luma please stand up and recieve your prize... A PUNCH IN THE FACE.
As for school i was invited to be in beta club today, guess thats cool never done it, I got brents app for GSP so i should do okay using it as a guide. I missed the first period today cause i was late and my mother was angry at me. CANT MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY AT THE SAME TIME... I also didnt wear shorts for that same reason.. its cool though, i heard we had a mean sub and i would have been sent to ISAP anyway.
Back to the love life thing.. I believe i am stayin single for the rest of my life, cept for my UK attending sweetheart that visits me once every blue moon, My sister. I wish this was diff. but it isnt and it cant be the same.
Friends: as of now, everyone but ill give a lil shout out to you normal listeners that need your props to survive...
Vince: dude i suck at halo, but you killed me and you were on my team that makes you terrible
TIM: Dude you talk way too much, calm it down and people wouldnt bee sooo scared of you
Whitey: Thanks For the JEW CD, I havent stopped listenin to it since i recieved it
Adam: LOCT BOYZ yeah dude keepin it real, Ugg christmas sweatshirt monday is near man, keep it real
Ben W:DUDE you and vince wear the same clothes, your car is still the same...
Laura: I know i leave my phone on, its okay to leave messages on it thats why i have it like that... LOL
Vicky: math partners, stop makin fun of people in spanish!! stooped kids thinkin they know you....
Tracey: uhh... hi
Anyone i forgot, Doesnt matter...
Oh yeah GSP SOON anyone who is applying the deadline has changed, he extended it a week so you have another week on your apps...