(no subject)

Jun 01, 2006 06:05

Title: 2+2+2
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Cristina/Meredith, implied Burke/Cristina
Summary: Burke is not stupid.

Preston Burke was not a happy man.

Hewasn't stupid. He could put two and two and two together. Sometimes notright away, but the solution would usually hit him after a few seconds.

Cristinahad not slept at home that night. She'd been on-call. And yet Cristinahad that post-coital happy look that she usually had the morning afterthey had amazing sex. Scratch that, after they had regular sex. Becauseseriously. He was Preston Burke. Even his regular sex was amazing. Butright now, right at this moment when he had time off and he knew shedid too, she was no-where to be found.

He'd suffered through along, silent elevator ride, too, with an angry, angry he-Shepherd toboot. Shepherd had been at the hospital all night, working on twodifferent surgeries, with only a short break in between. From what he'dheard, though, the surgeries had been successful - and yet, he had thatgloomy, brooding look on his face, like that time at the prom when Greyhad shown up with another man for a date.

The final piece ofthe puzzle was a sheet of paper he found at the nurse's station, withthe names and dates of the all-night on call shifts for the week. Hiseye caught on last night - Yang, C., O'Malley, G. and Grey, M. were the only names listed. As far as he knew, George was the only one who hadscrubbed in on Shepherd's surgery...

...and suddenly, a crazy thought hit him.

"Nothey DIDN'T..." he muttered, as he headed for the on-call room. As heturned the knob, he heard a familiar moan, and he paused-

- Just rip the stitches, Burke -

-andthere it was, in all its glory. Cristina pressed against the wall,Meredith Grey with those thin little fingers pressed inside her and herother arm holding Cristinas' above her head. Meredith's face was buriedin the crook of Cristina's neck, and Cristina's head was thrown back,eyes closed, that sweet little grin on her face that Burke loved somuch.

As he watched, Meredith pumped her fingers into and out ofCristina, thumb rolling against Cristina's clit, and Cristina lookedlike she was trying to climb the wall backwards, moaning and grindingherself as she rose higher and closer, moaning and hissing and it wastoo familiar, it was too bizarre. He had to say something right now.She had to know that he knew, RIGHT NOW, or else...

Cristina'seyes shot open, catching onto Burke's startled face as she orgasmed,her mouth open in a silent scream as Meredith thrust one last time. Herhead lolled down and she collapsed into Meredith's arms, that hairfalling into her face.

Burke backed out of the room and shut the door.
He needed a moment.
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