ga/roswell crossover!

Jun 04, 2006 01:34

title: Reawakening
rating: R
characters/pairings: Izzie/Addison
Summary: GA/Roswell crossover, of sorts.

Isabel Evans had vowed never to use her powers again.

She'd changed her name, gone to med school, and filled out thousands of forms without waving her hand once. She'd interacted with people, gotten her way and proved her dominance without having to enter a single dream. She'd finagled her way through school without creating dollar bills, by doing what she'd once dreamed of doing - modelling. Isabel Evans - Isobel Stevens - had managed to become successful without supernatural abilities.

That was before Addison.

Addison Montgomery-Shepherd was a nut that Izzie could not seem to crack. Izzie, the intern who could suture and cut and heal, couldn't figure out what to do about the most attractive human being she'd ever come into contact with.
She'd seen Addison looking at her, imagined that Addison was undressing her with her eyes, and she'd blush and look away, unwilling to travel down Meredith's path and begin relations with a married attending. But Addison's eyes said otherwise.

And yet...there was one thing she could do.

Though she'd sworn never again to do it, one night, Izzie found a staff picture of Addison and a few other ob/gyns that she'd worked with, focused hard, and went to sleep.

She found herself staring at a scene she'd never considered that Addison would think up.

When Izzie had entered Maria's dreams back in high school, she'd giggled, later, at the imaginative scene of fake-looking, rubbery, tentacled aliens that Maria thought were attacking her. It had been highly comical. This time - this time - was different, oh so different.

She emerged in a barely-lit bedroom, staring at Addison's back - and Addison, in turn, knelt at the side of a huge bed, one hand stroking another girl's flat stomach and thigh as the girl touched herself, writhing and hissing in pleasure. It took Izzie a few seconds to realize that she was looking at herself, lying on that bed - and everything clicked into place.

"Addison," she whispered. The woman turned, glaring balefully at whomever dared to interrupt what she was doing. When she saw who it was, she gasped.

"'re right here..." The Izzie on the bed faded as Addison's attention was drawn away. Izzie backed away from Addison, hands up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I just wanted to visit - to see...figure out what you were thinking," she stated, looking directly into Addison's eyes. Addison shivered visibly, and took a step closer. "I can't interfere, anything that happens here has to be of your own volition," she continued.

Addison shut her up with a kiss, and everything went downhill from there.


Derek Shepherd awoke in the middle of the night, startled. His wife was writhing around, making strange noises, and he could only imagine she was having a nightmare. He shook her gently, and after a few moments she shuddered, took a few gasping breaths, and then sighed deeply, before falling silent again.

Derek could have sworn it sounded like an orgasm.


The next day at work, Addison was the one blushing when she caught Izzie staring at her. Izzie held her gaze for a few seconds, and then dropped her head, giggling to herself, planning what she'd do to Addison that night.

Perhaps it wasn't such a bad idea to use her powers after all.
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