MOD RECC! 'Lamp in the Cooling Room', sansa/libby_drew [R]

Feb 12, 2011 17:21

I'm in the mood to be angsty. Blah, blech and all that ick. But (as I'm a picky sod even when bashing about in my emo-ness) I like a good fic to wallow in--the better the overall quality, the more likely I am to perk up and be somehow inspired. Even if it's to climb out of my PJs, brew yet more java and write some rubbish.

So...I'd suggest you read Lamp In the Cooling Room, by the heavy-hitter author libby_drew  (formerly known as 'sansa') if you haven't already. This, to me, is required reading. It's superlative, technically; it has everything a short story requires: build up, character development, subtext, decent supporting players, incredible dialogue, spoken and silent, and a final telling punch that'll knock you off your pins.

You'll remember this fic. You won't be able to forget it, more like. It sticks with you, bittersweet and mellow, and reminds you of what fiction ought to be. Or perhaps what it can be, when masterfully played. This is a violin concerto, not a jingle. It's quality.

Me, I'm picky, and even when wallowing, I'd rather it were heavy cream than Koolwip, yeah? If you're suffering from the February blues, this won't cure them, but it sure as hell will give you something decent to dwell on. may inspire.

With angsty huggles, tigersilver  

month: february, year: 2011, [mod] spotlight fics

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