'Strange Bedfellows' by Anon @ Smooch 2012 [PG-13]

Jun 11, 2012 15:00

Prompt Number: 76
Gift for: sososea
Title: Strange Bedfellows
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry and Draco are living together at Grimmauld Place, because of reasons. Stuff happens. Look, just read the fic, okay?
Rating: PG-13 (#pornfail)
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Not a one!
Epilogue compliant? ‘Epilogue’? What is this ‘Epilogue’ of which you speak?
Word Count: 6,500
Author's Notes: Dear prompter, I hope you like this and can forgive me the liberties taken with your prompt! Many thanks to being_here for her sterling beta-reading efforts, and to the Mod Squad for not setting the dogs on me. Also, I’ve fudged the canon timeline; the war ended in 1998 and the boys are watching television shows from around a decade after that. But we can all suspend our disbelief a little more, yes?

Well, I giggled and sniggered and laughed right out loud. And the dialogue's snappy and the scenes are intensely believable and I love the interior of Harry's Head here. It's...um, it's charming. I do love charm. This has cartloads. Go read!

month: june, content: recc, year: 2012, [mod] spotlight fics

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