Jan 23, 2009 23:53
This weekend I intend to stay home and take care of all those home necessities that I've ignored for the last month. It was all done in the name of fun and socialization of course.
Recent events have led to my inner musing about how I want to feel each and every day both emotionally, physically and mentally. I have a pretty good idea of where I want to be and where I feel that I am. The target is one that I can easily obtain given some focus.
I can be physically fit in about 1-2 months of training. Fit being defined as a overall general feeling of energy and body strength.
Being mentally fit is not as easy, but doable. I need to make sure that I get enough sleep and exercise my mind in various ways that don't include video games and parties. I started reading again the other day and I was amazed how much I enjoyed it and missed.
I feel pretty emotionally healthy these days. I have my ups and downs like everyone else, but overall life seems good. I'm currently in the house buying process which is fun and exciting. The overall positiveness that is going around the country with the new political winds is refreshing as well. Personally, I haven't been myself in a long while. Not that anyone else would notice but me. But yay for me.
I'm going to defrag my apartment, fsck my mind and empty my trash bin of loose strings.