well, fall is here. i love it man! i decided fall is my favorite season. winter is absolutely HORRENDOUS. except for a few nice moments. well see about this year. spring is mad wet and kinda angsty waiting for summer. really angsty. summer kicks ass of course--beautiful days, warmth, no school....but its too fucking hot man. fall is where its at. thats where theres the most to look at. and so far, or at least nowadays, life is so good man, isnt that good? of course, the mad ups and downs, but its so chill.
so i guess im posting at 3 AM. its because i was gonna meet mad people tonight...a regular party at kineens! guess what? i feel ASLEEP. at guess what time? 8. fuckin 8 man. i was really burnt out from yeterdays activites. it was full of...well lets just put it this way--EL DIABLOOOOOO. so i get up at 2 30 right? of course wide awake. i look at my window and guess who i see? my buddies, 2 of the kitten 3, walking home from a night filled with festivites. damnnnnnn i just fuckin MISSED it. and now im WIDEEEE awake. so of course, i thought to make a post. and do a quiz type thing, it takes up time. and chainsmoke, its a good time.
Do you bite your nails: all the time
Can you roll your tongue: yes
Can you blow smoke rings: the ill smoke rings
Can you blow spit bubbles: no not really
Can you cross your eyes: yeahh
Tattoos and where: i wish
Do you make your bed daily: aare you kidding me?
What's sexiest on a guy: hmmm uhhh im not really sure. how about a nice smile and wink?
What's sexiest on a girl: body curves yo
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: i just kinda put it in my mouth
What utensils do you use eating pizza: mein kind
How often do you brush your teeth: morning and night but i sometimes dont
Do you shower/bathe: uh huh. if going out to the well every morning counts
How long do these showers last: well i guess between 10 and 20 minutes they do.
Hair drying method: use a towel?
What color is your bedroom: multicolored. whnite...but its covered in all kind of shit and my celing is tie-dyed
Do you use an alarm clock: yes.
Name four things or people you're obsessed with: cigarettes, music, food, SCHOOL.
What's your sleeping position: it varies, depending on whos sleeping with me
What kind of bed do you like: a huge one that sinks in (aka mine)
In hot weather do you use a blanket: yeah i need a blanket but i put the fan on. i cant sleep naked or without a blanket, its just uncomfortable
Do you sleepwalk: actually its a diagnosed problem. its getting better though..i ususally just talk nowadays
Do you talk in your sleep: haha yes.
How about the light on: no but sometimes my christmas lights are nice.
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: ususally just the sound of the fan.
Had sex: last friday.
Watched Bambi: too long ago
Cried: march
Talked on the phone: to my dad at 8 tonight.
Read a book: today.
Is music important to you: doy.
Do you sing: i guess you could say that.
What instruments do you play: well im kinda losing practice but guitar and bass and piano but shits starting to dwindle i guess
What do you think of Eminem: i loved him in 5th grade
In your opinion what band is the best of all time: ph ph ph PHISH.
Pop music: not so much..but i put on 94.5 when crusin thru lexington and mad high
Punk music: not so muchBR>Rap music: sometimes if im in a gangta mood
Hip-hop/RB: hell yeah turn that shit UP.
Country: well not really but i dig the bluegrass
Jazz: yeah
Classical: not really, but it can be soothing.
New age: if that means techno then FUCK YEAH .
Hardcore: no, unless im seeing them live...although im basically done with that my head hurt too much last time i did that
Indie rock: no
Emo: no only weezer
What do you notice first?: face
Do you have a crush on anyone?: yeah i guess i do
Who is the easiest to talk to?: haley and ali
Could you live without the computer?: of doubtful.
What's your favorite fruit?: mangoes, watermelon, apples, blueberries, peaches, plums.
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: physical
Of times you have had your heart broken?: once
Of hearts you have broken?: one
Of girls kissed?: i could not tell you. more than to count on both hands, and feet tooBR>Of boys kissed?: meh 5 or 6?.
Of drugs taken illegally?: ahhhh does that mean times or different ones? well whatever i have no idea the answer to this question.
Of close friends?: many
Who? goddamn im not gonna name a list right now
Of CD's owned: over 200
Of scars on my body?: lots
I know: all i need to know
I want: a girlfriend
I have: a chill room
I wish: that my parents would leave me alone
I hate: ignorance
I miss: nothing
I fear: i have nothing plausible to be scared of
I hear: sounds
I love: bicycle riding
I ache: my mind aches after a long day
I care: for not too many things...but im trying to change that. i care about my friends.
I always: come equipped with pockets full of supplies for school
I dance: not as much as i used to
I cry: not enough
I can usually be found: in my room
-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: no
Druggie: yes
Daydreamer: yes
Alcoholic: no
Freak: hell yeah
Brat: no but im spoiled.
Sarcastic: NO
Goody-goody: probably not
Angel: maybe if i go to heaven
Devil: maybe if i go to hell.
Friend: yessir
Shy: usually not
Adventurous: ho yaH
Intelligent: yessir
Your best feature [personality]: outgoing
Most annoying thing you do: lie
Biggest mistake you've made this far: car crash
Describe your personality in one word: i have no idea.
A smell that makes you smile: bacon
A city you'd like to visit: chicago
A drink you order most often: coke and water
The music you prefer while alone: whatever, but alot of the time phish. i like to mix it up thoBR>A TV show you watch regularly: curb your enthusiasm
the lj mood guy looks like erik when he squints to see things far away, cause hes blind but wont admit it.