Jun 30, 2005 22:26
its sooooo nice, i wanna hear the same song twice.....
i am flooded with emotions! hahaha you KNOW thisll be a fucked up post when it starts out with some shit like that!
sooooo anyways life is....a million things. i feel 2 ways about everything im doing right now, and theyre both completely opposite. im busy as all hell, in 2 neil simon shows. coincidence? i think not! its wonderful to be in these shows....a) i get ass b) its mah THANG and c) GARDS!!
i have no fucking time at all. for anything but. which is a huge ass culture shock. my lifestyle before the summer: wake up, blaze, listen to music for awhile, get wired on stolen red bulls, blaze again, hack, sit around and do nothing, eat lots of food, watch movies, take long nap, blaze.....you get the picture. i did NOTHING. and.......i kinda liked it like that. structure aint mah thang. except hey, i dont do drugs. no joke......i havent done drugs for awhile besides last night but only cause i was in boston at 1 am at a fuckin ska show with my smokin buddy......so that doesnt count. cause i know if vosotros were faced with the same situation, you woulda gotten fucked up too!!
hmmmmmmmm everyone tells me: stop smoking, your mind will clear man. havent felt any mind clearing yet.....maybe cause smoking never fucked up my mind in the first place? oh wait, i forgot, it has no negative effects. anyways, thisa isa allah besidesa the point. a. im clean bitches.
post script: doing drugs at the carnival doesnt count either. haha.
you guyyyyyyysssssssssssssssss im fallin fer this guuuuurrrrrlllllllll and i donttttttt knowwwwwww what to dooooooooooo do i just want asssssss or do i wannnttttttt a RELATIONSHIP ahhhhhhhhhhhh.
yeah. youve all heard the song and dance. but its fackin nervracking me!! cant stop thinking about it....
oooo oooo oooo so let me tell you about last night: up there with one of the best concerts ive ever been to. i thought it would be..mediocre...cause check this out: (oh and by the way, i feel like a tool) i was all skeptical cause i didnt know any of the opening bands....and the headliners were this group called badfish, right? theyre a sublime cover band. get this straight: sublime is one of the best bands of all time....and i was in fear that this band would ruin the good name sublime brought to stoners and raggae bums in long beach and everywhere. but.....add some secret ingredients....edge of the stage in a crowded club, sweaty bodies pulsating in perfect rhythm together, and neverending grindage with the only person i would ever go to a badfish concert with (my favorite, mizz alison) and you get, as a i said, A KILLER FACKIN SHOW! this will bore you.....but they played the best fuckin set ever...a bunch of shit fromn robbin the hood...yeah i was in heaven.
did i mention the multidude of drunk college girls crowd surfing in skirts? holla back youngen.
people dont realize how healthy orgasms are--whether theyre inflicted by another or one's own hands (give or take a toy here and there). i hate how sex is looked down upon so much....how its so inappropriate to mention in pubic...i mean public....what the fuck is that? people should have a right to know where they came from, and fucking hell everyone has sex, you might as well learn about it at an early age......sex is a beautiful thing. did i mention its healthy? shove the atkins diet up yo asses bitches....cause if you put as much energy into sex and actually got some physically activity instead of starving yourself or depriving yourself of food you love to eat, then believe me, youd be a zillion more times fit and healthy. physically, mentally, intellectually, psychologically, and spiritually. i aint even kidding or exaggerating.
on that note, im going to go fulfill my daily exercises.