Nov 05, 2008 20:04
Today, I went shoe shopping. No, better than shoe shopping - guilt free shoe shopping (gotta love gift cards). And I realized something. That inner girl in me who loves shoes and shoe shopping is just beginning to emerge after 24 years of being dormant. Granted, I'm still very particular about what kind of shoes I like, but for one of the first times, shoe shopping was as much fun as clothes shopping. Before, it was a little like picking out band-aids - I just needed what would work for the situation and the rest didn't matter. But now...oh boy. As soon as I'm not broke as hell (read: another decade or two), watch out!
While shoe shopping, I saw this guy who was wearing a shirt that said "The Man." Ok, I thought. Except it had an arrow pointing to his head. The rest of the shirt said "The Legend" and had an arrow pointing to his nether regions. I had to turn away as I rolled my eyes and cracked a smile.
So for the first time lately in my life, I could care less about men and everything men-related including (gasp!) sex. [Oh, no she didn't! Oh, yes I did!] I really think recent men-related events spurred this decision, but I also know part of it is growing up. Frankly, I don't want the same things I did at 18, or even 23. And despite having all the time in the world to explore the opposite sex, I want to use this extra time to concentrate on me. Not that I need fixing or mending or need to find out who I am. I just like me and like spending time with me and like that I can actually just sit and relax at home in front of the TV for the first time in my adult life. And while I'm sure men will quickly be all the rage again, I'm enjoying this time to just BE without having to study, heal myself, figure out myself, figure out another person, etc.
In good news, looks like my temp job will be continuing for a while. In medicore news, still looking for a job. (It's not bad news because at least I'm getting interviews and am on the wait list at some firms despite this poor economy and nearly half of my classmates having nothing on the horizen.)
My swearing in ceremony is tomorrow. I'm super-geeked. My mom and grandparents are coming up. Then I'm going home with them for the weekend for my mom's 49th birthday. (Wow, that sounds so old but my mom doesn't seem that old!) Thus, must clean and pack and prepare for tomorrow.