Aug 04, 2010 15:01
What I really want to do is make another pot of coffee, you know, to take the edge off... But I'm already using my emergency coffee and I can't but more until next week and I really can't run out for the sake of my own sanity and everyone around me. Today has been... challenging and I haven't even been to work yet... I really just want some more coffee!! Coffee!!!!!! Please, I usually only drink a couple of cups so more still isn't much, right?? All I can think today as each new problem arises is "Gods, I need some coffee. Coffee would make this better." My brother had a cigarette to take the edge off, me? Nothing, I already drank my coffee this morning so I get nothing. How is that fair? He didn't have any on him but was able to bum one off a friend, imagine being able to bum a coffee off a friend any time you needed one? Haha! "Hey, dude. Let me get a coffee." And you're friend digs a cup from his back pocket and hands it over. "Need creme or suger?" He asks. "No man, I'm good. Thanks." And just like that you get your fix...