
Dec 18, 2005 20:32

Wow, it's been a while since I have updated this thing with some legitimate stuff! Much has happened since the last update; moving out, moving out again etc etc. Things are going much better now, better than the past six months or so. I finally have a job, a good job too working for the State of Michigan/MDOT. I start tomorrow, early too so getting up might be a problem but it's definitely time to get serious and get back on track, I have not been concentrating very well in areas that really matter in a while. Class has been alright too, since I had all this extra time off my fall semester went pretty well, I actually wen to most of my classes and did well, I am looking forward to receiving my grades. Spring semester will be my last too, I will finally be done and will attend the fall 2006 police academy, exciting! That is unless I don't get in with the state police or the DNR (hopefully). By either way I look at it things are finally on the upswing- I think. It can always crash at anytime and get worse as I have experience that wonderful feeling more than once.
I am excited about being back home, thing are much easier here day to day and it will be much closer to work than living in Bath. I do miss living there too, coming and going and the place was huge with all the room I ever needed for all my things but I still think living here will work much smoother. I will miss living with Tim alot because he is fun to hang out with and was usually always already around the house to talk to. But on the other hand I am not sure being so close and not ever having alone time is sort of damaged things as well so who's to say? I'm not sure. After a few events I think it was a wise decision on my part.
The snow sure has been flying this winter too hasn't it? That has been a good thing for me because I have been plowing alot of snow, the more the better because it all amounts up to a bigger paycheck that I will use to pay off all the wonderful bills that have piled up since being laid off in June, my credit is totally trashed now and with that I want to get things back into shape.
I have gotten to go skiing three times already this year which is pretty fortunate and also one trip to Grayling so far, that was a kick-ass time as well because we found some great new trails up in the north range, I hope to go again one more time before winter is over, same for skiing- at least a couple more time and possibly a trip out west- that would be great!
Well wish me luck on my first day at work tomorrow! Hopefully things will go great and I will work with some great people and the job will be fun!

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