Drabble Day Wrap Up

Sep 23, 2011 00:51

Finally, the round-up for Drabble Day. Thank you to absolutely everyone who wrote, drew, commented and encouraged over the 48hr-long Drabble Day.

Drabble Day was all about encouraging creativity and letting the imaginative juices flow, and it certainly did that. Over the course of the weekend, we had a total of 20 creators create 86 drabble pieces.

The most popular prompt to write for was prompt #1 - "Love Letters", which had 8 pieces. Second was prompr #4, "Two Boys in a Bed", with 6 pieces. But for sheer number of words it was prompt #6 "Gay Pirates", which inspired one piece of 1000+ words, and another of 3000+ words.

The award for most dedicated creator goes to vanessawolfie, who created something for all 24 prompts.

And the award for most verbose drabbler goes to curiouslyfic, for her piece "somewhere where the captain won't be mad".

Deep an eye on your inboxes for a little prize.

Elsewhere in the statistics department, for those so inclined, we had:
26 different pairings offered.
The most popular, of course, was Harry and Draco, featured in 36 pieces.
Far behind them were Albus/Scorpius, Harry/Scorpius and Draco/Albus, all with 2 pieces each.
We also had 6 threesome pieces and 7 Gen drabbles.
And to show how much we the "No Rules on Drabble Day" rule is completely accurate, we had 8 pieces that weren't even Harry Potter based, including original fiction and poetry, anime fandom and Gay Pirates fandom!

And now, without further ado, I give you 86 morsels of creativity, for your reading (and viewing) pleasure.

Love Letters

Love Letters by kinky_kneazle (Ambiguous Pairing)
In Which Lord Byron is Quite Incorrect by dulcemia (Harry/Draco)
Match Of The Day by kitty_fic and uniquepov (Harry/Draco)
A Surprising Find by misbehavingmom (Harry/Draco)
Foolish Dreams by blossomdreams (Neji/?)
Love Letter by nabi_sarang (Teddy/James)
Love Letters by vanessawolfie (Harry/Ginny)
Love Letters by vlorahp (Harry/Draco)


Eavesdropping by kinky_kneazle (Draco/Albus)
Eavesdropping by blossomdreams (Albus/Lysander/Lorcan)
Eavesdropping by nabi_sarang (Gen feat. George, Lorcan & Lysander)
Eavesdropping by vanessawolfie (Gen feat. the Potter family)

Random Facts

20 Random Facts About Harry Potter and Scorpius Malfoy by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Scorpius)
Random Facts by vanessawolfie (original fiction)

Two Boys in a Bed Picture Prompt

Young Severus by kinky_kneazle (Snape/Harry)
he'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan by curiouslyfic (Gen feat. Lorcan and Albus, hints of Albus/Draco)
Two Boys in a Bed by blossomdreams (Gen feat. James and Albus)
Flying Albus by kitty_fic (James/Al)
That Place of the Soul Serene by wemyss (Harry/Draco)
Touch by vanessawolfie (Gen feat. James and Al)

Tied Up

Tied Up by freakingcrups (Harry/Draco)
Tied Up by blossomdreams (Lorcan/Lysander/James)
A Bit Tied Up by vanessawolfie (Ginny/Luna)
Tied Up by kinky_kneazle (Ron/Pansy)

But I'm yours, you know, and I'll love you still in hell

Out of Hell by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco)
I'm Yours You Know by kitty_fic (Draco/Al)
We deserve much better by talekayler (Harry/Draco)
Just have to get there - first by vanessawolfie (Ambiguous pairing)
somewhere where the captain won't be mad by curiouslyfic (Sebastian/the Narrator)

Nearest Book Meme

Hammered by freakingcrups (Harry/Draco)
Debris by vlorahp (Harry/Draco)
Let You In by lullabylily (Harry/Draco)
Wicked Way by emerish (Harry/Draco)
Crying Myself to Sleep by vanessawolfie (Ron/Hermione)


Serenity by freakingcrups (Harry/Draco)
The Place of the Soul Serene by wemyss (Harry/Draco)
Molly Weasley by vanessawolfie (Gen feat. Molly)
The Interview by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco)

Naked Hug Picture Prompt

Life Drawing by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco)
Sex on the Kitchen Floor by vanessawolfie (Harry/Draco)

If you can't be with the one you love, honey, love the one you're with

Love the one you're with by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco)
Love the one you're with by emerish (Harry/?)
Heartache by vanessawolfie (Harry/Ginny, Harry/Draco)

This must be what going mad feels like

Going Mad by stolen_childe (Harry/Draco)
Going Mad by kitty_fic (Harry/Draco)
Miss me did you? by vanessawolfie (Luna/Ginny)
Going Mad by alexcaster (Harry/Draco/Severus)
Going Mad by kinky_kneazle (Teddy/Draco)


Familiar by freakingcrups (Harry/Draco)
Some secrets are best kept hidden by vanessawolfie (Rose/Scorpius)
Familiar by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Neville)

In my dream...

In my dream by emerish (Harry/Draco)
Dream Come True by vanessawolfie (Neville/Charlie)

19 Years Later...

A bit of twist in canon. by freakingcrups (Harry/Draco)
9 Years Later by emerish (Harry/Draco)
19 Years Later by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco/Snape)
Eyes for only one man by vanessawolfie (Harry/Draco)


Airplane by Kubrick_potter (Harry/Draco)
Airplane by alexcaster (Harry/Draco)
Sunday Morning by vanessawolfie (Original Fiction)


Beard by emerish (Harry/Draco)
Beard by alexcaster (Harry/Draco)
Have You Ever Wondered? by vanessawolfie (Original Poetry)
Growing Beards by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco)

You hold me without touch. You keep me without chains.

Without Chains by kitty_fic (Harry/Draco)
I always go back by vanessawolfie (Ambiguous pairing)
Without Touch by kinky_kneazle (Scorpius/?)

Your Username

Russian Civil War by themaohour (Harry/Draco)
other birds by altri_uccelli (Harry/Draco)
Freaking Crups by freakingcrups (Harry/Draco)
Vanessa the Wolf-ie by vanessawolfie (Gen Poetry)

Cliff Jumping

Jumping off a Cliff by kinky_kneazle (Severus/Sirius)
Dare Scorpius by vanessawolfie (Albus/Scorpius)


Belonging by nabi_sarang (Albus/Scorpius)
Longing by kinky_kneazle (ambiguous pairing)
Belonging by alexcaster (Ron/Draco)
Do you want to come? by vanessawolfie (Ginny/Luna)

Down the rabbit hole

Follow the White Rabbit by kinky_kneazle (Gen feat. Harry and Draco)
Missing the Punchline by vanessawolfie (Hermione, Ginny/Luna)


Three by freakingcrups
Hot and Bothered by vanessawolfie (Ginny/Luna/Cho)

The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get

Ignore Me by kinky_kneazle (unrequited Harry/Moody)
A Crush by vanessawolfie (James/Albus)

Bad Habit

Harry's Not-So-Very-Bad-Habit by brinimc (Harry/Draco)
Can't Help Myself by kinky_kneazle (Harry/Draco)
Touch by vanessawolfie (Remus/Sirius)

**Authors, if there was no title to your story, I named it with the prompt or something derived from the prompt. If you'd like me to change the title, comment here or PM me. If I've missed something - a wrong journal name or link, or a missing contribution - again, let me know and I'll fix it in a jiffy!

We hope everyone had as much fun as we did, and hope to see you at the next Drabble Day.

Also, don't forget after a weekend of fun and creativity, there's a Word War this weekend, so if you need to get serious there'll be plenty of help.

Sorry that this is way later than I thought it would be, but there were so many fantastic drabbles that it took a bit to get organised.

monthly events, drabble day prompts

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