This is your CHECK IN POST!
Get your pencils ready, find your favorite notebooks and pens, and wiggle those typing fingers to get them limbered up. The war is upon us!
1 ! The war begins as of Midnight, the START of Friaday 30th according to your local time. If I've calculated correctly, this post should be up in plenty of time that even the time travelers on the other side of the world will be able to start at the beginning of their own day!
2 ! The war ends as of Midnight, the END of Monday 2nd according to your local time. You will have FOUR AWESOME DAYS of writing.
3 ! To participate, please check-in with a comment below. You may also post your beginning word counts in order to help you keep track of your progress. All members of hd_writers are welcome to participate! Invite your friends to join in!
4 ! Use this time to work on your writing - any project, any pairing, any fandom! You do not have to be writing Harry/Draco fic in order to participate. Any and all creative writing counts!
5 ! The
hd_writers chatroom is there as always to serve as inspiration and encouragement, as well as the
SrsBzns chatroom. Please try to stay on the topic of writing as much as possible during the word war! The SrsBzns room should be focused strictly on timed word wars without the additional chat. For inspiration, writing talk, encouragement, etc. please visit the main room.
6 ! You don't have to participate during the entire wordwar, just jump in whenever you can and do any amount of writing in order to qualify.
7 ! Remember to check back in with your final, ending word count within approximately 24 hours after the war ends! (We would appreciate if you could check back in with your final word count by the end of your day on Tuesday, July 26th).
8 ! ALL WORDS ARE AWESOME WORDS! Good luck everyone!
Total Word War Goal:Projects To Be Worked On:Other Goals (get characters to hook up, find a way to work in some smut/angst/fluff, reach a certain plot point, whatever)?Anything To Share (flailing, requests for butt-kicking, pep-talks, etc.)?