so another week starts, and rings the end of march, but also as a special treat here it's a holiday and i hope for many of you out there it is one too!
but it is still monday and i thought it would be a great day to share more resources with you:
- first i have two articles on world- building (if you are interested in that)
- in the first one Tad Williams shares his thoughts on world building and what might make it work and what can make it easier.
- in the next one is a collection of advises for world-builders from many different people and authors. its not possible to take them all but maybe you will be able to find one that fits your style.
- then i would like to share with you this awesome helping page on how to write badly well that does exactly what it should. it tells you what makes bad writing work and entertaining. this page was pointed out to me by smallbrownfrog as frog was doing research for UnofficialBadBangs5 thank you for the share!
- and the last of this weeks resources (from me) shall be this page: this pbs page talking about the (teenage) brain it is more of a scientific research topic than a writing help but i still think it might help some of us writing teenagers and put more drama in the character. it is also a quite fascinating read!
i hope you once again have found something useful for you!
good luck with writing! reading, commenting and all the vices!
have a great week