Harry/Draco Fests in 2014

Oct 02, 2014 18:27

Harry/Draco Fests in 2014
on October 2, 2014 | Updated List

slythindor100's Harry/Draco LDWS #6 (Theme: Magical Creatures): 17 January - 14 March, 2014 - Masterlist of all Drabbles

hd_fluff Valentine's Fluff Fest: February 14 until 28 - Valentine Fluff Master List

hd_remix vol. 6: March 2014 - Masterlist

hd_familyfest: March 2014 - Masterlist

hd_hurtfest: March-April 2014 - Masterlist

dracotops_harry Fest: April 2014 - Masterlist

hds_beltane: May 2014 - Masterlist

harrydracompreg Fest: 11 May - 15 June - Masterlist

hd_smoochfest ( Theme: Media Remix): June 2014 - Masterlist

hd_tropes: July 2014 - Masterlist

hd_cliche: August 2014 - Masterlist

hd_fan_fair's Career Fair No. 3: September-October 2014 - Posting!

hd_fluff's Fluffy Halloween Fest: October 11 through 31 - Prompting is open until Oct 10!

hd_fanart's H/D Fanart Fest: November 2014 - Submissions are due 7th October (new participants) or 14th October (returning participants)!

serpentinelion's Glompfest 6: November 2014 - Posting starts November 1!

slythindor100's 25 Days of Harry/Draco: December 1 through 25, 2014

dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge: December 2014

hd_owlpost Winter Fest: December 2014 - Submissions are due 24 November!

hd_erised: December 2014 - Submissions are due 14 November!

Announced H/D Fests in 2015:

hd_familyfest: February 2015 - Announcement, Prompting starts 16 October 2014

For a month by month list, see amorette's List of H/D Fest & Challenges in 2014.

For a list of masterlists of HP Fests on month by month order, see capitu's Harry Potter Fest Masterlists.

For all your HP fest needs, go to potterfests.

fest and things, 2014

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