Your Opinions Matter

Jul 26, 2014 22:10

Harry Potter Prompt Adoption
The lovely Lyonessheart has come up with a new comm idea which we'd like to run by you all before going on to set it up.

Your opinions matter!

There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of HP prompt generating fests out there, and all of them yield absolutely fabulous results year in and year out.  But what happens to all those wonderful prompts that don't get chosen?  Unfortunately they're forgotten.

Well what if there were a special archive comm for them?  All sorted out.  All just waiting to be written.

We haven't figured out all the logistics yet.  And this is preliminary as we'd need to talk to fest mods and communicate consent with prompters.

But what do you think?  Is this a comm you'd find useful?  Would you use it?

Please leave comments.  We'd like feedback before we start on such a massive venture.

mod post, advice

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