Drabble Day is Coming!

Mar 25, 2014 05:37

March 29, 2014
Prompts will begin at 12:00 GMT
(that's 7pm CST if my calculations are correct)

About Drabble Day:
- For 24 hours, one prompt will be released each hour!
- Fill them in any order.
- Combine them in any way (or with other community challenges).
- All pairings, all fandoms, all word counts.
- We also welcome DRAWBLES and GRAPHICS! (or just about anyway you want to fill the prompts) Let your imagination run wild!
- Write and fill through March 31!
- A masterlist will be posted with all the fills and winners!
- Prizes for most prompts filled, longest drabble, anything else we feel like.
- Questions? Ask them here!

If you're not familiar with Drabble Day, prompts will be posted every hour for twenty-four hours. If you're inspired, create something for it. Post it as a comment to the prompt post, or link to it in a comment to the prompt post. That is all.

The rules basically come down to one thing:

Rule no. 1 - There are no rules on drabble day. Any length, any pairing, any fandom, any rating. We love it all. Try your hand at orig!fic, haiku, epistolary. We are about a day of no limits and no constraints to get your creative juices flowing - especially if you've been working too hard at something recently. Let loose and limber up before going back to your regularly scheduled writing.

Have an idea for a prompt! Please drop it in the comments below! (Comments are screened.)

(*Thanks to kinky_kneazle for introducing us to the idea of Drabble Day. Rules and info borrowed from her previous editions of the game!*)

Everyone is welcome to play of course! But if you are on one of our teams for the Wizard Games, here's what you need to know!

+ 5 points per prompt
+ Extra 20 points if you use all 24 prompts

drabble day, wizarding games

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