Feb 05, 2014 15:00

We're done! Wednesday is here, and if you've reached the end of the day, then the war is over. I hope you've been super amazingly productive these last five days. Remember: ALL WORDS ARE AWESOME WORDS!!

Please remember to let us know how you did overall with a comment on this post sometime by the end of day Thursday. Thank you to everyone who came out to play! And remember... another word war is coming! So take a chance to catch your breath and get ready... because we'll be doing it all over again soon!

Total Word War Goal:
Total Words Written:
Projects Worked On:
Did you Finish a Thing?:
If You Set Other Goals (get characters to hook up, find a way to work in some smut/angst/fluff, reach a certain plot point, whatever), Did You Meet Them?
Anything To Share (flailing, squeeing, sobbing, etc.)?

word war

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