Sorry this is a little late, but it's definitely time to wrap up the last word war and congratulate our winners!
First of all, congratulations to all who participated! Thank you to those that checked in at the end of the word war! Together we wrote a fantastic
96,746 WORDS
(that's over 30k+ more words than last time!)
The winner for the weekend was
megyal, who wrote 12500 words. Followed by
ashindk who wrote 11174 words and
emerish with 9259 words! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations to those who met the personal goals they set for themselves over the weekend:
traintracksvix-spesashindk zackery-faelanemerish witchyemeraldshellydkittysusannah_wildedragontara Special mention for all who broke a milestone in their word counts: (5k, 10k, etc.)
traintracksvix-spestryslorashellydkittysusannah_wildecalrissian18 8k+:
zackery_faelantrysloraemerish 10k+:
ashindkmegyal FINISHED:
traintracksmegyalcalrissian18 Congratulations to everyone, whether you met your goals or not! All words are awesome words! I hope you'll join us for more awesome writing in our next word war!
May the words be with you!