Old Fic Meme

Mar 09, 2012 10:57

Hey everyone :) kitty_Fic asked me to post this here, so here goes!

The Old Fic Meme

Dig up one of your old fics and play with it for a little while! As writers, we hardly ever get the chance to look back at our old fics and just have fun with them, because we’re too busy looking at the next few! Take this chance to flesh out the why’s and how’s of one of your fics! (One-shots work best for this!) This could be something you wrote last month or something you wrote years ago!

Fic name:
Wine Glasses

Date you posted it:
December 27, 2010

Was it beta-ed? If so, why did you choose that person to beta it?
Yes it was! By one of my best fandom friends and regular beta, vanessawolfie! She's an excellent beta!

What inspired this fic?
I wrote it for a dear LJ friend, lijahlover, who had a sexy prompt! Plus, I love me some hot PWP! <3

What did you think people would say about this fic?
I actually thought people wouldn't like it, considering it's totally PWP! Pointless pron. BUT HEY! WHO DOESN'T LIKE THAT?! lol ;)

What did people actuallysay about this fic? (Feel free to re-post one of your received comments)

I was so happy when people said they liked it! People really commented on the fact that both H & D were acting quite promiscious in the fic! heehee

Pick your favourite line from this fic:

“Don’t-oh!-at least take me to bed! This fireplace is all hard and cold!”“Gods, I thought I was the whiny one!” Draco growled...


What would be one thing you would write differently in this fic?

Hmmm... I’d probably change the beginning a bit. It wasn’t quite clear as to why Harry was in the fire place until like halfway through the fic! Haha.

Do you think you would ever add to this fic? Write a sequel? A prequel?

I could definitely see a prequel to this, when Harry is in the shop, buying the different flavor lubes for Draco, muhahahahaha!

Did this fic fit into your usual writing or is it something completely different?

It’s pretty standard for me, although I think I hadn’t written rimming much until then. But now I love it! Lol.

How do you feel about this fic? Do you love/hate/whatever it?

I love it! <3 It makes me all giggly and want to write more smex!

Got writer’s block? Try this! Pick a scene from this fic and start a completely different story with it! See where your characters end up! If it turns out well, you’ve got a new story in your hands! If not, you just got to experiment more with your characters!

writing games, inspiration, writer's block

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