Title: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Team: Fanon
fayniaPrompt: The Devil
Wordcount: 14,066
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, non-graphic dubious consent
Summary: Draco Malfoy always gets what he wants. Only, this time, what he wants is someone he can never have.
Author's Note Thanks to my betas J, S and L. Some text was lifted from DH pg. 458.
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Comments 31
very nice use of the prompt, as well. veela lust is definitely all about losing control over one's actions.
I liked your take on the Veela angle, with the out-of-control aspect not being specifically related to just the mate. Draco's struggle with the feelings of lust worked very well into your interpretation of the card. And eeeewww! When he gives in, even knowing that the thought disgusts him, because his body betrays him? My heart wrenched for him and his pain. And how he aches and feels so guilty about Harry.
And bastard!Lucius. Yup, yup. The end? BAH! Now what?! Inquiring minds want to know. :)
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