Title: An Interpretation on Justice (the Aurors and Assassins Mix)
Team: Epilogue
noticeablyPrompt: Justice
Wordcount: 16,000
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, character death, infidelity.
Summary: The little-known truth about floor sixteen and the department that inhabits it is this: the ten witches and wizards that sit in the front, while attending
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Draco's morals about not killing animals. The first of the killing jobs, and the Harry gets to investigate just that murder! The concept of the Aurors and Assassins was very interesting; I would have liked to see it described in more details to get a tighter relation to the prompt.
The children at King's Cross were captured so true, I felt very bad for Al. The Malfoys seemed to be such a wonderful, loving family. While it seemed that Ginny had something going with Oliver and Harry was fooling around with Teddy. Suspicions which were confirmed later.
I really liked the friendship between Albus and Scorpius. And the combination of Harry's temper and Slytherin ruthlessness really made for a great dramatic!Albus.
I also liked that you did leave it with a friendship. This story read like genfic to me, even with Harry's drunken attempts at going gay with Malfoy. Especially after the portrait of Draco's relationship with Astoria I wouldn't have believed a plot that suddenly turned towards hot steaming H/D sex.
Thank you for sharing!
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