Title: Without Sound of Bells
Team: AU
scarlet_malfoyPrompt: 22. I think I saw a Pensieve like this once...
Wordcount: 20,000
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, frottage, mutual wanking, time travel, language, spoiler warning: major character death
Summary: What would the world be like if Harry and Draco had been friends since the beginning?
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I'm so happy you read and enjoyed it. In the beginning, I planned on actually making all of those flashback scenes in the end a part of the fic, but then I decided they'd be better as flashbacks... however, I could not take out the robeshope scene. I think it sets the tone, and it's the very first meeting between them in canon, and it's the last moment of the fic as well, and so it stayed, and I'm very happy you liked it and realized its importance. =D
I thought long and hard about how to deal with the poisonings of Katie Bell and Ron. I honestly don't think I'm too off the mark of real Canon!Draco's reasons behind his actions, only I'm sure he wasn't thinking of Harry at all in the same way at the time. And I'm glad you liked the imperfect kiss - I like them much better than way myself. =)
I think the one thing Draco has over Ginny - though now that you point it out their stories are very similar, I didn't even consider that fact while writing! - is that he really did become a BEST friend to Harry first, as close as Ron or Hermione, or closer. Draco proved to himself in his inner monologue that he no longer upheld the former fairytale ideals of Harry, though I do believe that Draco did hold him in slightly higher regard than he did anyone else because of his past ideals. Canon!Draco would certainly not be capable of such hero worship since he had been turned down by Harry in the robe shop, and that shaped his entire world regarding Harry at least - but this is just my interpretation of how very different he might have been had Harry accepted his hand that day.
I'm so glad you liked the ending, and how it all fit, and how REAL canon plays a part in it at as well - I was really hoping someone would comment about that, because I loved that fact, too. I'd say I was sorry for making you so sad, but... I thinkkkk I sort of meant to do that. If all the tears I cried while writing are any indication, heheh. Thanks so much for your review and concrit, it made my day! =) I am ending this insanely long reply.. now. =D
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