Title: Allergies Are A Pain In The Bladder
Team: Epilogue
betelin_notecorPrompt: 21. A butterbeer a day keeps the mediwizard away.
Wordcount: ~8,250
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mpreg, crack.
Summary: Lucius always said not to drink butterbeer. "It isn't a fitting drink for a Malfoy!" Too bad all it took was some alcohol and a dash of Harry Potter for
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I really liked the Malfoys too. They were the perfectly partially-insane parents to your Draco. That was really an unexpected twist about the effects of butterbeer and about Draco's parentage (although the bit about the Blacks did seem to fit really well into it). Snape though? Draco doesn't seem much like Snape at all, so I was a bit shocked there. I enjoyed his mood swings too (I get those sometimes even without being pregnant- thanks PMS). They were just about as irrational as mine and about twenty times more comical.
I was a bit curious about them still being with their wives though. So were they both cheating as well? It seemed like Astoria knew, but I don't really see Harry as the cheating type, even as gay as we all know he is. Even if she was in a stupor somewhere, wouldn't he go and find her? Spend a lot of time looking for her? He doesn't seem the type to just forget about her to me.
The ending was very sweet, and I was glad Harry got to expand their family and they decided to work things through. I had so many chuckles through this story- it was just too funny. Well done, prompt twin!
The butterbeer idea was another one that was random... and as for the "Snape is your father" bit, I did make Draco a bit angry towards Snape, which is out-of-character, but I considered it as misplaced anger towards the fact that his mentor died. And the mood swings were fun to write! =D
Actually, in Draco's case the marriage was open and had been since before Scorpius was born. In Harry's case... I meant to imply that he had left her in the Chamber of Secrets in a stupor because he was tired of her nagging ways and jealousy, lol, but I guess it didn't come across well. Very out-of-character, but it felt cracky to me. Plus I was tired of Harry and Ginny divorcing, Harry cheating on Ginny, or Ginny just plain dying. I wanted a new twist! XD
And I'm basically physically unable to write an unhappy ending, so I'm glad a happy one fit this story. =D Thanks so much for your awesome comment, and I'll check out your version of the prompt too, though it may not be for a while as I fail at doing things quickly. =P
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