Title: Changeling
Team: Epilogue
lomonaaerenPrompt: 13. Magic is 1% inspiration and 99% incantation.
Wordcount: ~22,700
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Profanity, angst, dark magic, flirting and kissing.
Summary: In the wake of an unexpected revelation about Scorpius's heritage, Draco's relationship to his son, and, oddly enough, his relationship to Harry
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I'm interested in relationships between the characters that aren't simply fluffy. (One of the reasons I don't read a lot of AS/S is that most of it is too fluffy for me, or too much a retread of H/D with a lot of the conflict removed). At the same time, Draco has a lot of reasons to ignore rather than follow what Lucius says to him, so I'm glad you thought the relationship between them was convincing.
Harry got off much easier than Draco in this story! I picture him in this world as much better-adjusted than he used to be, confident in his bonds with his friends- even Ginny- and inured to problems in parenting, because after all no one is perfect, and he'd have a lot of chances to observe that with the Weasleys. So all of that works out to his wanting to save Scorpius and get together with Draco at the same time.
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