Title: Some Secrets Are Best Kept
Team: Epilogue
curia_regisPrompt: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.
Wordcount: ~9500
Rating: R
Warnings: Infidelity, voyeurism.
Summary: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were enemies. Everybody accepted this as fact until Elias Skeeter revealed the truth.
Author's Note: Thank you to
emerald_dragon8 for the awesomely
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Comments 72
I got few comments: the ending felt slightly abrupt. Maybe few more scenes from the Pensieves before handing out the big secret? And is John meant to be somebody or a nobody?
John is supposed to be a nobody. I was thinking of making him a descendant of one of our canon characters, but then I thought it might be a bit strange that somehow all the descendants would congregate together so long into the future. *g* He's more of your conspiracy theorist, crazy, but quite possibly right!
I see your point about the ending. I was trying to make the revelation take everybody by surprise, sort of the whole idea that once you've started on the conspiracy trail, everything sort of spirals out of control. :)
Thank you for the review!
I'm very curious about who exactly this "John" is-
I originally meant him to be the average conspiracy theorist, but now that I think about it, there could be a dark backstory to him. *g* I have the urge to write a sequel now.
You created a highly interesting OC. Despite his obvious boring occupation, his social awkwardness and insecurity, his almost compulsive methodical way of doing things, he was so much fun to watch. I found him likeable in his admiration of his grandmother - what a great idea to make him Skeeter's grandson! - and felt sorry for his youth and his loneliness.
I would have liked to know if John is just a random character or if there is a backstory behind his character. And if he and Elias will stay forever in that flat - how creepy that would be!
The H/D was so subtle and heartbreaking, beautiful to watch. I absolutely felt for Elias when he didn't want to watch the most intimate moments between Harry and Draco. It spoke volumes about him, but also about the intimacy between the two.
I also enjoyed the story of the Muggle world controlling the wizarding world to achieve some kind of peace. Creepy!
Thank you for such a beautiful story.
I'm really surprised at how many people are curious about him! I originally meant him to be the average conspiracy theorist, but now that I think about it, there could be a dark backstory to him. *g* I have the urge to write a sequel now.
Despite his obvious boring occupation, his social awkwardness and insecurity, his almost compulsive methodical way of doing things, he was so much fun to watch.
*g* Come to think of it, Elias could have come about from how much Monk I've been watching lately.
I'm really glad you liked the story! Thank you for your review. :)
Thanks. :) I've emailed the mods about it to see if they can change it. I would say American ratings confuse me, but I've been writing in fandom for years so I should be used to it! *g* I think I tend to err on the side of caution.
and i do wish it was a bit longer since the ending feels abruptI see your point about the ending. I was trying to make the revelation take everybody by surprise, sort of the whole idea that once you've started on the conspiracy trail, everything sort of spirals out of control. Sort of make the style of the fic mirror what's happening ( ... )
Yep! That's exactly what happened. :) And I have a huge grin on my face because your reaction was exactly what I was after.
I'm really glad you liked the fic! ♥ And thank you so much for your review. :)
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