First, make sure you've read the
FAQ. If you choose not to read the
FAQ, you will still be expected to abide by the rules and stipulations contained within it.
Keep in mind that if you have a history of signing up and then dropping out of fests, you will be disqualified from participation. Trust us, we're going to know.
The moderators make no promises that you will be able to participate. There will be a lottery system to apply for teams. We will announce teams on or before January 14th.
The moderators make no promises that you will get your first preference of team.
Applications will be open until 11:59pm EST January 9th, 2009.
Comment below with the following:
Name:Email:Link to Archive/Selection of your fic/art:Are you an Artist, Vidder or Author?:First Team Preference:Second Team Preference:Age Statement: