To all of our watchers, participants and voters:
hd_worldcup has concluded posting. Voting will be open until 11:59pm (EST) on May 17th, 2008.
At that time, polls will be closed and the mods will be tabulating the votes. We will announce the winners on May 21st, 2008. We will also post the official roster.
Over the next few days, we will not only be posting the watcher drabbles/ficlets submitted to us previously but we will also be opening up the prompts for anyone (participant or watcher) to write a drabble/ficlet based on a prompt in a form of "comment pr0n".
We had well over a million words produced for the stories along with hundreds of thousands of hits on the various works.
If you're needing a fix of another pairing, I'd like to take a moment to point you towards our affiliates -
Snarry Games and
rs_games. Both of these games are currently posting some really amazing works and I urge you to peruse them all. Leave a comment at any of the three games and make someone else's day.
From the entire moderation team - we want to thank all of you for making these games as awesome as they have been. We're not only impressed with the quality of works produced but also the commenting, rec'ing and fangirl/boying of the stories and teams.