Title"Breathe With Me"
(non-explicit, but R to be on the safe side) Not Work Safe
Warnings:for non-explicit Nudity
Additional Notes:
*This is the Chapter from Enchanted_Jae's HD fiction
called "Slipping Under"*
http://enchanted-jae.livejournal.com/1138147.htmlWhy I loved it:The art captures the essence of Enchanted_Jae's story.
The art is tasteful, and erotic. The colors and descriptions are beautiful and well done.
*I have always liked the underwater scene in the Goblet of Fire.
Esp. the part where Harry almost drowns by the grindylows.
Harry also has some nice muscular arms in the underwater scenes.
To have a HD fiction from this GOF underwater scene met
all my 'must haves' within my imagination.