August Recc #2

Aug 16, 2011 00:47

I know, I know! I'm the worst reccer of the month ever! I'm sorry, I'll try to catch up!

These two fics are by an amazing author that pretty much everyone knows and loves! oldenuf2nb ! All of her fics are lovely but these are two of my (shorter) favorites!

Title: Why Birthdays and Camping are Not Necessarily a Good Combination.
Author: oldenuf2nb 
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5300
Warnings: Not... really... Sex? Is that a warning anymore?
Summary: Draco Malfoy was not a big fan of surprises, unless they included fine wine, fine clothing, and preferably, gifts…

Why I loved it: I have read it a few times now and I still cry! Draco is just so mean to Harry! It breaks my heart every time! Harry takes Draco out to camp and Draco throws a big fit. What happens next is pretty funny cause Harry is fed up but then Draco lashes out (as Draco does) and almost ruins everything. It's short but beautiful! I can practically see it as I'm reading and I always love that! I wish it was longer!

“Potter,” he said slowly. “Do not tell me that you brought me camping.”

Harry stepped away from him, his hands dropping into the back pockets of his jeans. “Well,” he said with a slight shrug and a sheepish grin. “Not exactly.”

“Potter,” Draco said again, his lips tightening, his hand lifted to point. “That is a tent, and that is a camp fire, and I do not ‘camp’.”

“Draco, it isn’t exactly…” Harry began, but Draco cut him off.

“It isn’t exactly what? A tent? Yes, it is. And I will not lower myself to sleep in a tent.”

“Have you ever even been in one?” Harry asked, eyes coming back, brows raising.

“I have not,” Draco said dismissively.

“Then how do you know that you won’t like it? Go look at it, Draco.”

Draco crossed his arms over his chest, his jaw lifting. “I don’t know how many times I have to say this, Potter. I have never, and will never, camp.”

Title: Puppy Love
(It actually starts with Dealing with Dutchess but it's not necessary to read that one first, I think).

Author: oldenuf2nb 
Rating: Mild R
Word Count: 4876
Warnings: (Author's Warnings) Tooth ache inducing awwness and overtly cute puppy antics. A wee bit of angst, so I guess it's flangst.
Summary: Doesn't have a summary so let's just say... Harry gets a dog. Draco hates the dog.

Why I loved it: Again with the Draco lashing out at Harry and breaking my heart! It's such a sweet fic and yet still made me sob. Draco is so mean and Harry is so Harry. Also it has a cute puppy!


“It’s not rocket science, Potter,” Draco had sneered, his lips white. “Your fucking mongrel pissed in my two hundred pound Prada loafer. Would you care for me to elaborate on how I knew there was animal urine in my shoe? And so help me God, if you laugh right now…”

“I’m not laughing, Draco,” Harry had said, attempting to sound placating, but Draco could see that he was really struggling against finding the entire thing hilariously funny and completely lost his temper.

“That’s it!” he roared. “I’m done. That animal has to go…”

“Draco,” Harry had said, taking a step towards him.

“No,” Draco snapped. “I mean it. I’m tired of putting my foot in… whatever manner of foulness that obnoxious creature leaves behind, I’m tired of finding dog food all over the walls, and I’m tired unto death of having my sex life interrupted because it’s jealous that for once, for once, you’re paying more attention to me than you are to it. Very rarely have I issued any ultimatums in this relationship, Potter,” Harry’s eyes widened but he wisely kept silent. “But it’s that dog, or me.”

era:ewe, length:..1000-9999, status:complete, content:established relationship, genre:humor, rec:fic, genre:fluff, genre:flangst, author:oldenuf2nb

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