Rose TreesAuthor:
nerakrose Rating: PG
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: major character death
Summary: Harry had promised Draco they’d die together. It was a silly promise, but Draco still hadn’t expected Harry to die before him.
Why I loved it: It's a feel-good deathfic (yes, there's such a thing!). Harry died of old age and Draco is miffed because Harry didn't wait for him. You can really feel Draco's grief, but you can also tell that they lived a long and happy life together--they even have great-grand kids! The ending, told from Scorpius's pov, is very heartwarming.
He dreamed of Harry, more than ever before. He dreamed that Harry had come to him, young, wearing that awfully ugly Muggle t-shirt he had so loved when he was forty-three before Draco had hid it from him, and beaming excitedly.
“You don’t have to wait long, now,” Harry told him. “I’ve been preparing everything for you.”
“Preparing everything,” Draco said and shook his head. “You’re lucky I didn’t ruin your preparations by dying of a broken heart.”
“Impossible,” Harry said, touching his chest. “Your heart isn’t broken.”
And Draco knew, in that moment, that it was true.