Fic Rec - Last Man Standing by mijan

Feb 10, 2018 10:31

Title: Last Man Standing -
Author: Mijan
Rating: M
Word Count: 22,147
Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]Almost threesome (Harry + Weasley Twins), Grimmauld Place, Explicit sex

Summary: With the war dragging on, and a miserable late-winter storm raging outside Twelve Grimmauld Place, Harry needs a distraction. However, he quickly finds that he's a distraction for somebody else.

Why I loved it: This story is another older one. Even though it’s Post HBP, it’s not really about the war, Voldemort or anything dark. It’s really about a boy trying to come to terms with the fact that he is probably gay. And how can he get laid? You know how awkward Harry can be, so imagine how that will end. Draco is there, of course. But so are the Weasley Twins. What’s a boy to do? There is a cast of many character’s including Weasley’s, Hermione, Neville, Luna and the Order of the Phoenix. This is a fun one, you do not want to miss it.



"Get to the point, would you?" Harry was beginning to consider the merits of going for a nice long walk in the gentle spring showers currently pummeling the roof.

"You seemed to take off with her in a hurry after the meeting earlier. Or last night, for those of us actually who went to bed."

"I had to talk to her. Alone. Private conversation."

"Which had something to do with those mirror-image terrors she calls brothers, and the way they were eyeing you up like a piece of candy during the whole meeting."

Harry jolted back from the table, almost knocking his chair over. Draco was wearing the most satisfied expression, and Harry saw red. "You listened in on our private conversation!"

"No, actually. I hazarded a guess. You just confirmed it. Although I did see the little Ravenclaw space-case follow you, so you might ask her."

length:.10000-49999, era:war, rating:nc-17, author:mijan, status:complete, genre:romance, genre:humor

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