"Into the Light of the Dark, Black Night" by Shanfawn16 - NC-17

Nov 11, 2017 11:51

Title: Title
"Into the Light of the Dark, Black Night"


Rating:NC-17 - Ratings from PG through NC-17 for violence, torture, rape, character death, and slash.
Completed fiction. Written on 12/25/2006.
Word Count: 106,312 Words
Warnings:Violence, dark themes, hurt/comfort
friends to lovers, character death - not Harry, Draco, or Ron, Drama

Summary: What happens at the end of Half Blood Prince.
Told from Draco's point of view. Will eventually be H/D.

Why I loved it: I normally don't like violence or character death. But,
the way the story was written and progressed, I accepted how the author wrote this story.
I like long H/D fictions, and this met all the criteria for me to read such a H/D fiction. Hurt/Comfort, friends to lovers, and a happy ending.

********************* I need to have the author Shanfawn16 added to the authors list please. ******************

content:character death, length:100000+, era:war, rating:nc-17, content:alternate universe, status:complete, rec:fic, genre:hurt/comfort, content:violence, genre:drama, genre:dark, content:abuse

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