Fic Rec: Must Love Quidditch by dracosoftie

Apr 22, 2017 22:35

Title: Must Love Quidditch
Word Count:~107,000
Summary:Through a series of emails from an online dating site, Harry thinks he's found his perfect match. Will the bond they've forged survive after their identities are revealed?

Why I loved it: I seem to be picking fics that are on the longer side, but they are well worth your time. I was also surprised to see that this fic had not been recommended, as to me, it seems like such a classic. I’m glad that I get the opportunity to rec it to you today. This fic takes some of my favorite tropes, and some amazing characterizations, and creates an entertaining read. Harry and Draco meet via an Owl dating service, and as you can imagine, they realize how perfect they are for each other. Until, of course, they discover their true identities. It’s quite interesting to watch as their circle of friends slowly discovers the truth, and obviously, they figure it out, and shenanigans ensue. There's some fun twists - with some OCs that we quite lovely - and the development of their relationship was fun to read. So go forth and read!


He hadn't realized how much he had been looking forward to bringing the man into Cal's life until that moment. Feeling like a voyeur, Draco stole further back into the shadows, not yet ready to turn his back on the beautiful sight of a completely relaxed Harry Potter holding a sleeping child, his eyes glinting in the soft moonlight, his hair ruffling slightly in the summer breeze. Draco had no problem at all imagining a similar scene, with Potter holding Caleum in his arms.

Harry looked up sharply at the sound of a leather sole sliding over the rough stone floor, his heart stuttering when he realized it was Malfoy. Their eyes met for a brief second, and Harry was floored by the longing he saw in the grey depths. He opened his mouth to speak - though he had no idea what he intended to say - stopping when he saw Malfoy's expression change to one of absolute anguish. Malfoy shook his head once, the motion so minute Harry almost thought he'd imagined it. Without a word, the blond turned on his heel and walked through the doors, not glancing back as he disappeared into the crowd on the dance floor.

author:dracosoftie, length:100000+, rating:nc-17, status:complete, era:post-war, genre:humor, rec:fic

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