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hd_storyroom is the place to share and find great Harry/Draco fic recommendations.
Come and tell us about your favorite stories and find some new favorites while you are here!
It's time again to recruit reccers for the next few months at
We need volunteers to sign up for a specific month and commit to posting at least 1-2 Harry/Draco recommendations per week. (Or more if you are feeling inspired!)
Please remember to check the tags to be sure your story/artwork has not been shared before. Posting formats can be found on our profile page. Also, don't forget that you do not need to be a reccer of the month to post a recc. We love reccs from all members at any time: 24/7!
Please comment on this post to sign up to be a reccer of the month. Choose your month:
glittering_git If you would, please spread the word about the community and let your friends know about the great reccs that are happening here! Thank you! ♥">" border="0" alt="naadi">
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is the place to share and find great Harry/Draco fic recommendations. Come and tell us about your favorite stories and find some new favorites while you are here!