Damaged Pieces of the Same Puzzle by _Melodic_

Nov 07, 2016 20:48

I'm going with another shorter one here. And I've decided on a theme for this month. I'll be reccing only authors who've never been recced before here in the Storyroom so we can spread the love around a little more. I hope you enjoy!

Title: Damaged Pieces of the Same Puzzle

Author: _melodic_

Rating: Hard R or NC-17
Word Count: 1150

Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, bottom!Draco

Summary: With one kiss, one gentle press of his lips against Draco’s, Harry found a way to shatter him completely, the delicate walls crumbling with a simple touch.

Why I loved it: This is an 1100 word answer to why Drarry is my OTP. I love the idea of these two getting together in a way that is hard-fought and certainly not without it’s challenges. There is vulnerability and pain, comfort and strength and I love the poetic feel of it. This just hits so many of my head-canon buttons; they truly are the perfect love story!

Harry fiercely held onto those broken pieces though, refusing to let go even as the sharp edges cut into his skin. Months of fighting, careless cruel words, mindless misunderstandings and Harry still wouldn’t leave. Harry wasn’t perfect himself, ragged around the edges as well, but still he managed to fit into Draco’s torn life.

era:ewe, length:..1000-9999, rating:nc-17, status:complete, content:established relationship, rec:fic, genre:hurt/comfort, genre:angst, genre:fluff, author:_melodic_

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