A pair of Christmas ficlets by Oldenuf2nb

Dec 18, 2014 03:52

Title: Red, Red Wine
Author: oldenuf2nb
Rating: R
Word Count: 1,000
Summary: Harry, Draco and Mulled Wine

Why I loved it:
This is a perfect little scene from 8th year of Harry and Draco getting drunk together over Christmas at Hogwarts. There's a nice little bit of empathetic conversation, and then Draco decides to seduce Harry. It's hot and sweet and they feel like 18-year-old boys.

“But these parties seem…” the blond sighed, suddenly looking weary, and he set the bottle on the floor with a dull thud. He looked up at Harry blearily. “Don’t they seem just…asinine?”
Harry stared into the grey eyes for a moment, then nodded. “A bit,” he answered. “But you have to remember; they didn’t see what we did.”
Draco’s eyes darkened, and he leaned his fair head back against the stone wall. “Lucky for them,” he said with a sigh. Nothing more needed to be said. Harry had seen, through Voldemort’s own eyes, the horrors Draco had suffered.
“Yeah,” Harry agreed finally. “Anyway, did you dump your date?”
“What date?” Draco responded with a wry grimace. “Not much prestige in being seen with the Malfoy heir anymore.” He shot Harry a sideways look. “What’s your excuse?”
Harry shuddered. “I never know if any of them want to be with me, or with Harry Potter.”

Title: Who Knew?
Author: oldenuf2nb
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,200
Summary: Harry, Draco and Hot Chocolate

Why I loved it:
It's another version of 8th year Harry and Draco at Hogwarts over Christmas, but while Draco was the aggressor in the previous ficlet, this time it's Harry. And forceful!Harry is sexy :)

“Ah, third wheel syndrome.” Draco nodded knowingly.
“Quite.” Harry stared into the flames, and they reflected in the lenses of his glasses. “Mrs. Weasley invited me there, too, but what with Ginny and everything…it just felt awkward.”
“With her and Longbottom, you mean,” Draco said ironically.
Now Harry did bristle. “I like Neville,” he said a bit sharply.
“I know that you do,” Draco said, turning to look him straight in the face for the first time. “But don’t try to tell me that it doesn’t bother you that while you were out fighting an insane megalomaniac, Longbottom was back here plucking your supposed girlfriend's cherry.”
Harry grimaced, his eyes still on the flames. “Not so much as it probably should,” he said with a wry twist of his lips, and Draco frowned.

length:..1000-9999, rating:r, status:complete, content:holidays-christmas/winter, rating:pg-13, rec:fic, era:hogwarts[year 8], genre:fluff, author:oldenuf2nb

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