HD Storyroom Recs!

Aug 05, 2014 11:48

Hey all! I'm the rec'er for the month of August. I wanted to do this over the weekend, but wasn't finished reading the fic. However, I do have a couple of nice recs. I'm going to try to do some art and some older fics, as well as new ones, this month.

First of all, I'll start with some fantastic art, which I don't rec often enough, but should! This piece is still anonymous, but I'll fill in the artist and give her credit as soon as they do reveals. It's an incredibly gorgeous piece and there's a companion piece to go with it with some amazingly beautiful effects. My art preference is for lovely, semi-realistic art and this is all of that and more! It's 'Fiendfyre' by iwao

I'm rec'ing this fic here because it's just too good not to. However, it isn't for everyone. This is one dark fic; or rather, it's a dark series. It's a series of fics that are not complete on their own and must be read in sequence. If you know me, you know I don't normally read dark fic and that's because many of them do not have any sort of positive outcome and if I read a dark fic, it pretty much has to come to a good resolution. I won't say more about that or it will spoil it. So I happened upon this fic entirely by accident. I was looking through hd_prophet the other day and ran across the beginning of a wip by chickenlivesinpumpkin. I don't read wip and I was not familiar with this author, but something made me click on her link to AO3. I found a completed series called 'It Started in the Shower', and altogether it's 124K words. Well, I adore long fic, so I had to check it out. It was excellent! I'll link the series at AO3 here and you'll have to navigate through the parts from there.

Title: It Started in the Shower
Author: chickenlivesinpumpkin
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 124,367
Warnings: Rape/non-con, Graphic Depictions of Violence and more listed.
Summary: When Harry finds Malfoy in his shower at Grimmauld Place, the two boys struggle to keep their hands to themselves, not realizing that their 'enemies-with-benefits' relationship will eventually become considerably darker and more powerful. That relationship will influence the search for the horcruxes--and the war--in unpredictable ways.
Why I loved it: This is where it gets hard for me to explain why I liked this so much. Simply put, it's brilliant! Beautifully written and intensely angsty, but it's going somewhere. When I read the first part, I thought I was reading just another slightly out-of-character pwp, which is normally where I'd stop, but something kept me going. I thought, no one writes 124K words of pwp! So I continued and believe me...it got a lot darker before it got better. There are many warnings and do mind them as it can be triggery for a few people. However, if you don't have issues with the warnings, it is an amazing fic and has a very satisfying conclusion. It's AU, but not very far off canon. It picks up at Grimmauld Place just after the death of Dumbledore and follows the story from Draco's pov through that very dark year when Snape was Headmaster and the Carrows were teaching at Hogwarts. In my opinion, there are not nearly enough fics that take one through that dark, dark time, focusing on what was going on at Hogwarts while the Horcruxes were being sought. If you can deal with the triggery stuff, this is an absolutely incredible fic.

length:100000+, rec:art, rec:fic, content:bdsm, author:chickenlivesinpumpkin, genre:drama, rating:nc-17, status:complete, genre:angst, era:hogwarts, content:love spell/potion, content:non-con, content:violence, artist:iwao, content:dark!harry, genre:dark, content:d/s, content:abuse

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