"b is for banana cause you know when you are high && you want bananas??" shannon is priceless. <33
friday night was the most extremely shitty night of my whole entire life. no lie. never cried more in my whole exsistance ((&& thats a fucking lot)). i would just love to not think about it. thanks to those who try to cheer me up and care. esspecially diego's long talk with me, i have to say, it helps a lot.
last night was amazing. priceless.
16 shots + 2 bumps (of tony's) + swimming in the ocean with my beautiful elisa = "memorable" (as diego would say) . much thank you to my shay banana for taking care of her wasted children. ((dressing me, getting me out of the water, picking me up)) ahah <3
on another note, this taylor thing is killing me. who knew that when we drifted for like a month i would have withdrawls? i miss her bunches <33
blasting bob marley in joeys car leaves me speechless.
getting drunk in walden lakes with 'the hoodrats'
whoever i hang out with.. sarah and elisa hang out with. they are my other parts and cant be without them. thats final.<3
miss kristens sweet 16 night
beautiful ladies. ((lauren is a trip <3))
my tomatoe monster and the birthday girl <33
and later at the beach..
nick steven angelo diego and shay. ++ it was also steven's 18th birthday
lmao, i love angelo.
the birthday boy, modeling my purse.
&& of course the infamous walmart where i broke my foot..
shannon driving the carts and pushing the baloobas is why i am living.
yesyesyes, dont ask me anymore. i jumped off of those & my foot broke, thank you very much.
next couple of days..
shots &&
blunts &&
&& my husband mario. my three favorite things by far.
me & sarah got bored, so we put on stripper make up, and had a picinic.
gotta fog out "the Coug", you just gotta.
my refugees.
the cute couple.
its scares me how much he looks like his brother. ((carlos' brother chris)) bleh. hes a cool kid though. <33
&& just a taste of last nights madness
feeling reallyreallyreally good.
and the COMPLETE and full definition of trashed.
im quite lucky to have so much fun. but trust me, everything evens out in the bad times.
i definatly called: Julie, Chris, && Chris Lopez last night. disregaurd all messages i have left on your phones.. i apologize for the whoreness. <33
ItalianaQt637: ahaha sallie i still love you.