You know how those perfect beings on awards shows drone on about how surprised they are to be recognised for their work and being given some god awful looking piece of metal or plastic (apart from the classic Oscar statue), how humbled they are by all the excitement and attention? And we're all thinking 'Yeah, right. Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.'
Well, believe us, your boggled mods, when we say that we are pleasantly surprised - bollocks to that, we're absolutely full of squee - over how many of you good people have signed up for this new theme: both authors and artists. And how how excited we are to have this interest in the different format.
Thank you
mayflo for bringing our attention to the fact that we were being a little harsh on all you artists out there by expecting you to include all three additions in your image. We would like artist to include one or more of the additions, when interpreting a prompt. However fiction should still include all three.
*crosses fingers and hopes that helps*