Dec 28, 2012 14:00

Author: fantasyfiend09
Recipient: megyal
Title: Living with Dragons
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Charlie, Ron/Hermione, some OCs, pre-Luna/Rolf
Summary: Harry wants to apprentice for Charlie's team at the dragon reserve, but they already have an apprentice: a very fit wizard who tends to bring out Harry's obsessive side.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): None.
Epilogue compliant? Not for Harry or Draco. All other couples are compliant.
Word Count:~14,700
Author's Notes: Dear megyal, knowing that this is the last HD Holidays, I wanted to make something you'd really like. I used both of your prompts (“Lamps, an iron and a used tea-cup” and dragons), and I really hope you enjoy it. Happy Holidays!
Thanks goes to tigersilver for letting me pick her brain about your taste.
Huge thanks must be given to shantismurf for going above and beyond the call of Beta to challenge, inspire, and correct me. And she does it all so quickly, too! All remaining errors are mine.

( Living with Dragons )

rated: nc-17, [fic], round: winter 2012

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