little_dumplingRecipient: All of the pinch-hitters and behind the scenes helpers for this year's fest!
Title: Paper-clip Love
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry finds an usual gift on his desk.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Spoilers for
faithwood's "One Harry Potter, Please"
Epilogue compliant?: No.
Artist's Notes: The story of this comic is taken from FW's OHPP, as requested by the mods. The text has been slightly altered to fit the comic. A knowledge of FW's OHPP is not required to view & understand this comic. Please Enjoy.
MOD NOTE: This particular artist (whose style is so unique and not something you see a lot of (if any!) in our corner of fandom) came to us long after sign-ups had closed and wanting to simply contribute without expectation of getting anything in return. We mods decided to request something specific and gift it to all of the pinch-hitters and those who have helped us behind the scenes. I,
taradiane, thought it would be brilliant to get fanart for a much beloved story that I dare say the entire H/D fandom has read...
One Harry Potter, Please (If Possible, Seduced and Ready)...specifically, the paper clip scene at the end (BECAUSE I HEART IT SO MUCH I ACTUALLY OWN A PAPER CLIP NECKLACE PENDANT TRUE STORY). If you're one of the, oh, three people yet to read this fic, CLICK THY LINK AND DO SO POST HASTE! And
faithwood was kind enough to give us permission to use her fic for this scrumptious bit of art. Myself and the artist thank you, Faith!