ennyousaiTitle: The Moon Loves Her Shadows
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 45,000
Warnings: Graphic (but loving and consensual!) Wolf/Human!Sex, some dark and angsty content. MOD NOTE: please note that when the author says dark and angsty, they mean it. This is not a lighthearted story. There are also some elements of violence/gore.
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I'm sorry (sort of *grin*) to have shredded you, but I am the queen of angst, so it's always a compliment when people say I reduced them to a mass of teary jello :) But I also love trying to put things back together in the end - I'm a hopeless romantic actually. I'm curious to know which other writers make you feel the same way - I love angst, myself, and am always looking for new writers.
I like Ron, but I can't relate to him the way I relate to Hermione. The idea of them in a relationship is so bizarre to me. Because I don't relate to Ron, I can find him very hard to write - I slip into stereotypes, which I hate. So, that's why I left him out. I had too many other things to concentrate on to spend time and space developing a well-rounded Ron. If you're looking for a Hols story that really does Ron justice, check out "We Are Young" if you haven't already.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my story.
Just want to say... I was right in thinking that you wrote this brillant fish falling form the sky amazing story.
There were 2 clues.
1. So damn angsty!!!
2. I couldn't get myself to reread this story despite how amazing the experience was. Which occured to one other fiction that I read a while go... under the name of The Price We Pay For Wings (surprise!)
As to Ron... I do like Ron in fanfic as his character is generally more likable then Canon Ron. But I do love Ron in "We Are Young" though :)
Another thing that I forgot to say when I typed that monster of a wordvomit comment was that I love everything that you have wrote. So please keep writing!!!
I have no intention of stopping my writing. It's such an important part of my life. I do go through dry-spells though; for instance, I've noticed I can't write in late spring/summer. But the desire to write always returns in the fall. *shrugs* The muse moves in mysterious ways.
I don't know if you keep track of my master list, but there are 6 fest stories floating around out there that I haven't posted to my journal yet, so keep your eyes peeled. And, btw, I have a special love for lurkers. You'll always be welcome at my journal :)
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